

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Women and Globalization

                Globalization has greatly improved the lives of many men and women across the globe. It has made their lives not only easier, but better. The one topic that still comes up however, is, do women get the same rights?

                According to Globalization 101, “57 percent of the children that do not get to attend school are women”. What does this mean? It means that women do not get the same rights as men. Some people may think this! Some women like to argue that that they do not get the same rights. This leads to protests, and other debates. Here is a link to Globalization 101's website.

                Another place that raises conflicts is working conditions. A lot of women in the world get the low-paying, sweatshop jobs. They get the hard labor jobs that the men either do not want, or just are too lazy to get. This makes many people mad, and brings up big controversy.

                Some of this might take place in the United States, but I do not think that it really happens in South Dakota. I think that it mainly happens in the bigger cities and factories. I do not think that is a problem here.

                In conclusion I think that something needs to be done about this. Someone needs to bring these concepts up to government officials in the overseas countries. This is a crime that should be changed.

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