

Monday, October 20, 2014


                In class we recently did a group project on EBOLA, the deadly disease that has captured the minds of many people in the country. One of the things that I learned was that the disease has a natural host! I did not know that the EBOLA virus was dormant in the common fruit bat. The fruit bat is a winged mammal that lives in Africa. This also brought to my attention that the people that live in Africa can easily get the virus. I thought that the virus was spread from human to human only, not animals. One of the most intriguing things that I found out while studying this is the extent that some people in America are taking this to. There are people that are wearing quarantine suits, leaving the country, and even not coming outside! The fact of the matter is that this disease has been around since the 70’s and no one has said anything about it. Now that it has arrived in the United States, people are freaking out. More people die of the common cold a year, then EBOLA. There is not much to worry about.



                The EBOLA craze is sweeping the world. It is on headlines, the talk of the table at local coffee hour, and the world’s number one scare at the moment. People around the world are taking desperate measures to avoid this toxic disease at all costs. I think that people around the world should know about the virus, and its destructivity. The world does need to take some steps in to creating a safe environment, such as screenings in airports, and medical treatment for those that have the virus. How does this affect the world you might ask? Each country has people. People are the carriers of the virus. So, this means that each country has to be aware what could happen to their people. This links the world, because if only the civilized countries shut down their airports and docks, the virus could still spread through the other countries, allowing the chance for someone to make it in to the closed countries, perhaps ending eternity as we know it.

                Hold on, slow down a minute. Mankind will not end. The fact of the matter is that the virus is out there, but it is not going to end humanity. People need to be aware of the virus, but do not need to go to the extremes that some are.

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