

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Human Trafficking

                Human trafficking in the world is a big problem. It is one of those things that people say, “slavery was so 150 years ago” (insert snobby, sarcastic voice here). But, the truth of the matter is, it is happening right now.

                This summer I had the privilege to go to a youth convention in Kansas City, Missouri. At this convention we got to learn about sex trafficking in Germany. So, I have some foreknowledge on this subject. I did not know that much of this happened in the United States though. That kind of intrigued me.

                The movie we watched, “Human Trafficking”, really opened my eyes to how these people work, and what they do. The people that run these businesses are mean, ruthless, and dictators of these young women that they are trafficking. I think that every person that runs one of these chains, and gets caught should be forced into federal prison. They should also be forced to promote awareness of human trafficking.

                More people in the world need to know that this is happening. I think that the “End It Movement” is doing a great job on attempting to get the word out to people. I also would like to see more people around the world raising awareness of this situation. Human slavery is not dead, it is very much alive and needs to be put to an end.

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