

Monday, January 26, 2015

Unconditioned Stimulus: Happiness

Conditioned Stimulus: Coca-Cola

Unconditioned Response: Happiness with others.

Description: http://popsop.com/wp-content/uploads/Coca-Cola-polar-bears-are-back-on-TV_01.jpgConditioned Response: You feel happy when you drink a Coca-Cola

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Water skiing

                During the summer one of my favorite pass-times is water skiing. Waterskiing is one of my most favorite things to do at the lake. One day a few years ago, James Erickson finally built up the courage to try skiing. He asked me to help him, so I did!

                First, I took him down on the dock and showed him how to wear the skis. I explained how to put them on and how to keep them straight. I demonstrated this part. Next, I showed him how to keep his knees bent and stay in the “ball position”. Then finally, I taught him how to stand up, and let go of the rope.

                After I showed/demonstrated all of this he decided to give it a go. He fell a few times but he eventually got the hang of it and now loves to ski just like I do. I am very happy that I got this opportunity to show him how to ski!

Monday, January 5, 2015


Most Favorite Word – Oofda

Least Favorite Word – Shaboi

Like About My Life – Getting to go to Roy Lake during the summer.

Not Like About My Life – I do not get to hunt as often as I would like.

Profession I would like – A wild life scene photographer/professional hunter.

Profession I would not like – I would not like to work at a hospital at all.

3 Words – Outdoorsy, Fun, and Kind.

                I am taking this class because I really had no other class to take. The more we talk about it, however, the more excited for it I get! I am really looking forward to learning about how people think and what they do in certain situations. I also really hope to play the game that we were talking about earlier. I want to see how people go about their strategies in the game. I am hoping that having Mr. Reints as our teacher, that we can have a lot of fun but also learn a lot. I really hope that we can have as much fun as we did in Globalization. I would like to gain much knowledge of how the mind works when we make decisions, and when we have a teacher influencing our decisions. It will be very interesting to know how authority effects our decisions. Overall, I am very excited for this upcoming semester. I cannot wait to see what Mr. Reints has in store for us. I hope that I can gain some psychological knowledge, and also have a bunch of fun following through with this class.