

Tuesday, August 26, 2014


                Globalization. A term that was non-existent in the early nineteen hundreds has exploded across the globe. Metaphorically and physically! Different countries are exporting and importing, then exporting their imports only to import their own exports! How does this possibly work you may ask? Read further as I tell you about all the glories, and the few minor disadvantages to globalization.

                Globalization is many countries in the world working together, but yet not, to make things better for their country. For example, a t-shirt that you buy might be bought in America. It could’ve been made in China, the printed lettering be put on in Indonesia, all with the yarn from India. This is a great thing for all of these countries! All their economies benefit from this, because it generates revenue, therefore, helping their economies. This does not just happen with a simple t-shirt. Many things are exported and imported, just to put it together! The computer you are reading this blog on could have been put together in two different countries! Most objects in the world are being put through this process.

                There are many good things about globalization that I love, but to be fair I need to point out some of the down sides. One being that if multiple countries around the world are trading with each other, the natural being of the human race is to change their mind, therefore drawing tensions. With these further escalating tensions countries can get mad at each other which can possibly lead to war. Another down side being that emissions from factories around the world are polluting our environment. Nutty people say that globalization is the cause of global warming, which in my opinion does not even exist.

                As you can see there a few downsides to globalization. But who always focuses on the negative things in life anyways? Focus on the positive things that our world could benefit from. Consider siding with globalization as the world progresses in our vast technological world.